31 Aug 2007

Figurehead duncey

Oy yo yoy. Things happening! Today the Express announces that the position of Commissioner of Police of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service is being advertised outside the country. Oooh, a figurehead duncey.

That is not a bad thing though, at least, it's a step up from the past dunceys we had shining the chair leather and their khaki arses (at the same time - what talent!). I guess we certainly can't do worse that pick from the present crop so to speak.

It might be a little too soon to expect improvements and positive changes, especially to crime figures. I know, allyuh going to tell me I have 'goat mouth' now.

Look, Trinis have a special kind of attitude. Dunceys take that attitude to a whole new level (down not up), and I know that without regulations (i.e. the BIG STICK!) to get them to follow new instructions and succumb to discipline, well, is like a dog trying to 'ketch he own tail' so to speak.

So hiring outside commissioner ent really the solution, except to bring some ideas to the table as the dunceys sitting (and shining that khaki) really bereft of any kinda thought.

But what really and truly is needed is some kind of plan where one of these dunceys can't do the job, you send him fecking off to plant yam or dasheen or whatever. Tell them to bring results.

And no more of that shit about not going to court either. Charge them if they don't.

Oh, and any time they feck up and monies are awarded to yet another poor soul then let it come out of the salary/assets of the responsible duncey (oxymoron though that is).

Anyway, I done for today.