Open letter to Prime Minister Patrick Manning:
I cannot say if the current Opposition is the worst ever but that does not matter. It does not and cannot affect my life in any way. It does not control the Treasury so it cannot waste our money. And the total salary its parliamentarians get cannot buy one wheel of the executive jet you intend to waste our money on.
What I do know is that your Government’s actions (and inaction) affect me every day. And your current Government is by far the worst this country has ever seen, worse even than your last one, and that was scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Want proof? I offer two pieces of evidence. The murder toll last year was the highest in our history. And with only half the year gone, the toll is twice what it was for the same period last year and more than any other single year in our history.
For the first time in our history, the British Government is considering requiring visas for Trinis to enter Britain due to the terrible state into which your Government has dragged the country. This only days after the launch of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Conference to be held in T&T next year. You still think hosting this conference gives you some status?
Manning, you missed your calling. You should have been a magician. For only you could have your minions believing that the worst ever Opposition was the reason for the country’s problems, even as the worst ever government continues to trample them in the dust.
A Charles
Mount Hope