Okayyyyy.. everybody calm dong. Guys get out your roll of tissue… in case you happen to be reduced to tears, of course.
The pics below (clickable) are hyperlinked from: Devinath.com – of Spice.
I’m pretty old school. I think this woman’s attire – albeit fuh Carnaval – is erotic in nature.
It would arouse sexual interest from an average male homo sapien.
Buh who is me tuh say anyt’ing – doh interfere wid dee people carnaval, nah.
Well allyuh know long time, I doh cyare a monkeys who say w’at – I will express my opinion so long as there is no lawful restraint or breach of the law.
I eh know dee uman, but she parading she body under dee guise of ‘Carnaval’. Eeef you arks me – and you don’t – all like she are making fools of demselves.
Do women in T&T get off on fantasies about the number of men masturbating to their semi-nude pictures? It might be a bold question to arks but a very relevant one. And eef dee answer is yes, well guys you can use your tissue paper for other things – without restraint or hesitation. Well it is reality - isn’t it?
I’s not about Spice; i’s about Vice – isn’t it. Look I eh no prude.. but come nah man…dey have to be some boundaries to things.
Fuh dose who eh too interested in thinking about deese tings jes ogle dis one here. And for a voyeur’s feast, click: Devinath.com
[I have no affiliation with the site whatsoever]