14 Aug 2009

The urge to blog

For some days now, the urge to blog has taken a back seat. Not because there is nothing to blog about – regular readers know I am scarcely ever at a loss for words (extreme dotishness aside).

But lately, things in the news have been so ridiculous, I felt that commenting might be lowering my standards a bit .. ha ha.

No, the real reason is one of my unscheduled breaks from stupidity, crap, dotishness…

Something positive to blog about? I’ll have to try find something…Well, my peppers are coming up strong and look to be promisingly hot. Photos  below.


Below is yet another flower I cannot identify, but with a visitor:

Pink Flower

The first strawberry went the way of all good strawberries:

First strawberry

Strawberry eaten

I’m trying to keep positive in light of various shenanigans and outrageous lies.

More to come…