15 Nov 2009

The German Market again

The German Market is back in Birmingham.

Yesterday, I happened to take it in in company of a friend. It was so crowded, there was hardly any room to move, and another friend sent me a message on Facebook saying she could not breathe in the crowd. Since this friend is very short (maybe less than 5 ft) I advised her next time to jump onto the shoulders of any hunk nearby. (^_^)

Still, this video from the Birmingham Mail will give an idea of what the German Market (aka Frankfurt Market to some people) is like. The video is courtesy the Birmingham Mail.

By the way, the Sikh chap in the video claiming he had a frankfurter would be referred to by my friend Jujhar, as a 'part-time Singh' since 'confirmed' (I dislike the word Christened when describing other faiths) Sikhs are vegetarians, (much less for eating pork and beef which sausages have) and have a full beard (hair cutting is verboten [forbidden for those of you less well read]).

My neighbours, and Punks, came to meet me there later in the afternoon, but with the crowds being so bad, we left within minutes. Today, I plan on taking Punks earlier, so we can sample some of the German cakes (nothing to compare to Trinidadian black cake but still good), the Glühwein which is mulled wine (warm red wine with spices mixed in and sweetened), and the ever tasty German grilled sausages.

I have some photos on my phone which I will be posting later on, but I also will be taking along my camera.