7 Nov 2009

Some random comments this morning

This morning there is so many things happening in the news, it requires a little filtering to make sense out of nonsense.

Starting with the news in the Express, that the CEO and medical director of the SWRHA were both asked to resign (for reasons yet unknown). One wonders if the resignation/firing had anything to do with the maggots recently found at the Casualty Department. It's hardly likely...

Nothing remains hidden for long under a rock, down at the Rock, so eventually I expect the true reasons will be revealed.

I see that the cable company - cable television that is - is adding another 20 channels to its line-up. Given the past record of cable television in Trinidad and Tobago, one only hopes that the relevant licensing has been obtained. This Jumbie remembers when one cable company broadcasted a movie channel for many years without a licence until the same movie channel took legal action. It is amazing that COTT took no action against this blatant piracy, but were chasing down DVD sellers on the street. Is it that the more money you earn, the more "legitimate" you become?

A search for a new Commissioner of Police (a.k.a. Chief Duncey) has been "stalled". Pennsylvania State University Justice and Safety Institute had recommended the firm that selected Stephen Williams as the CoP elect.

Of course we all know the outcome of that story - the process was deemed flawed - and Mr. Williams was shunted aside, leaving an interim "actor" in place.

Cabinet is once again stalling on recommending Pennsylvania State University Justice and Safety Institute to initiate the process the second time around. It makes a certain kind of sense. If this same Institute carried out a flawed process earlier, who is to say this time around it can be trusted?

Dana Seetahal has been spared being sent to the Privileges Committee. While she has been spared, I think I may be in some trouble:

...Beckles said the test for contempt was usually that the comment alleges that the Speaker was biased, unfair or unjust in the performance of his duties.

I have lost count of the number of times I have said that the Speaker was biased, unfair or unjust in the performance of his duties.

Ah well…