4 Dec 2009

The game’s afoot, Watson

Several things to comment on, so let’s get started:

Police Force short by 1,400 officers.

Can you imagine putting 1400 more power-mad, dotish dunceys out on the street? A clear picture eludes me.

Despite Imbert-cile’s assurance that the breathalyser will be implemented (via the necessary supporting regulations), we see this:

No Breath Test Until Carnival
Breathalyser by Carnival

So… once more, Imbert-cile has misled the public.

At a post-Cabinet conference on November 12, 2009 Works Minister Colm Imbert said the ministerial orders that specify the type of devices to be used would be published towards the end of November 2009 or early December 2009.

He also reiterated in the letter that the training of police officers would be fast-tracked or accelerated so breathalyser testing would commence by Christmas 2009.

Independent Senator Prof Ramesh Deosaran said he was surprised it took so long to train officers to use breathalysers and expected the new measure would have taken effect earlier.

As I expected, the dunceys could not learn to use the equipment on time. Something Imbert-cile should have known was likely to happen.

Piggott said that the critical test is the evidentiary test which has to be applied at the police station or another designated place. He noted that this test would be used as evidence in Court, and these people must be trained to a particular level to the satisfaction of the National Security Minister for them to be certified.

Coming to the issue of scholarships granted to individuals – remember that Marlene McDonald, Minister in the Ministry of Culture, sought to hide this in Parliament we asked – the list was recently obtained by ITEC (Devant Maharaj). He had to go to court where the same Freedom of Information Act that Marlene was hiding behind, was used to reveal the data.

What strikes me as odd was that the Ministry of Culture was issuing scholarships, not in culture based studies, but in everything… from CXC and spa management to medicine and law.

This, despite the fact that the PNM proudly announced that education up to tertiary level (and certainly up to CXC and CAPE) was free.

In many cases there were no bind on the recipients to pay back the ‘scholarships’ either financially, or in terms of service to the country. Largesse, it was.

Ah well, just some more of the shite going on as expected.