10 Jun 2013

Don’t do this and that!

20130609_171632_annotatedI’m one of those strange people who tend to read the rules on noticeboards. Some say or think this due to OCD or OCB, or whatever. I just think its fair to know.

There is another growing trend in this country – England – where ‘you have to be told’ what to do. Some call this ‘nannyism’. Yes – I know it is happening elsewhere too.

I think this is partly due to trends in this society.

1. Poor parenting leading the new generation of folk not to know what’s right from wrong.

2. Many thinking it’s okay to do something just because they weren’t told not to.

3. A form of mindlessness – that has nothing to do with anything. It’s just raw mindlessness. People just do as they will without a thought in the world for others. Littering is a fine example. I see it every time I come off a main motorway and approach a roundabout. People just decide to throw out bottles, crisp wrappers etc.

Well I’m not sure the causes of all this – and I’ve given up on trying to change people. 

What I can say is, if people don’t take responsibility for their actions, then the law is there to show them the error of their ways. But even that saddens me. A lack of proper parenting (even by ‘teachers’) – ‘broughtupsy’ in common language – has probably contributed significantly to all this. Now we pay for that in a ‘law for a flaw’ type of existence. I don’t think we ought to be living in a world where we need to be told at every turn ‘what to do, or not’ by the law.