17 Aug 2013


Kevin Baldeosingh is a true master of polemic. His article in TT Express (2013-08-15) Athletes are dope – has caused some uproar.  Indeed, I say Kevin is Hitchins-esk in is assault on the illogic of human nature (aka stupidity in my books). Following my resolution to reduce my focus on ‘stupidity’, I’m finding it harder to avoid the thing. I feel ‘stalked’.

Well, reading Kevin’s work is probably not so bad because I see him punishing fools ‘on my behalf’, if you know what I mean. People on mon Rock, in sizeable numbers are unable to see into or learn from polemic. I’ve responded to Kevin – and expecting that my post will be removed – I’ve decided to post it here too – just in case. [Oh a couple years ago I posted small text in some Rock-forum. Ah uman responded, “Boy dat ting hu’tin’ meh eye.. dee writing too small boy” – yes this is how stupid they come – unable to click on an image or make it full screen. So – I give you reason to not read more.]
