27 Mar 2014

Mouthing words of convenience

“As I have always said that regardless of the consequences, I remained resolved to do the right thing because it is the right thing to do,”

“My decision in the past demonstrate this consistency regardless of whether you are in my Cabinet or not. No one is exempt from the measure of value based leadership. There must be no compromise on integrity, no allowance for arrogance, no room for violation of mutual respect; there will be no sacrifice of our values on the altar of political expediency,” the Prime Minister stated.

Two words: Jack Warner.

But as the Express Editorial today says:

The Prime Minister’s position is to be applauded although it marks a departure from her previous responses to high-handed, even abusive behaviour by some members of her Cabinet. The public would not have forgotten her failure to act when senior Government ministers commandeered prime-time TV to gossip about the private life of a female reporter, or her silence when the Attorney General’s Facebook page joined the anonymous scandalising of the reporter. Perhaps the prospect of an election in one year’s time is strengthening her resolve to do right by public opinion.

Doing right, huh?