26 Apr 2007

Betraying the betrayer

I contemplated whether I should blog about a certain 'friend' of mine who recently disappointed me so badly, I am wondering how I could have seen any 'good' in her. I admit, hindsight is 20-20, and in retrospect I see now I misplaced my trust and friendship. No, don't read between any lines, I didn't get my heart broken.

My friend was one of my closest confidantes for a very, very long time. I don't want to specify the nature of my disappointment, suffice to say I was forced to eat my own words in less than respectable circumstances. That for me is a no-no.

Having being let down more times than I care to remember, I wonder that I have any faith at all in people. Do I? Time will tell. But I do find more often than not, I think the worst of a person before I think any good. Sad isn't it?