26 Apr 2007

Naipaul - genius or nuisance?

So VS Naipaul stepped onto Trinidadian soil after how many untold years, and despite receiving TT$2.2M to do so, Trinidadians are treating him as if he is bestowing all his grace out of the kindness of his heart.

It is sad to see people fawning over this man. Personally, with the exception of 'Miguel Street', I found his books so utterly boring, I couldn't finish any before falling asleep. You read them? Fine. I didn't, I don't like them. My copy of 'A House for Mr Biswas' was thrown out several months before 'O' level Literature (and in case you are wondering, I passed by writing about how crappy it was). I'm not here to argue with anyone over any possible merits his books have. Dang, I hope none of my teachers are reading this.... they all thought I read the bleddy book.

I like his attitude even less. He has a deep-seated scorn of Trinidad (and despite this we rush to honour him as if he actually contributed anything to the country except well publicised insults). He treats the citizens with scorn, the culture with scorn, the way of life with scorn... I don't think I need to go on.

So is he a genius? Undoubtedly. He maligned his home country, the source (or at least the solid foundation) of knowledge that has him where he is today, and gets paid untold $ (or £ if you prefer) for doing it. Then gets the same citizens he insults to praise the crap out of him. If that isn't genius, I don't know what is.