12 Apr 2007

Cleaning House

It irks me when people forward emails (usually nonsensical ones that contribute little to my life, not even a decent joke that hasn't been passed around 1000 times before) and you have to dig through several layers to see the original blinking email. Doesn't that piss you off??

New tactic now. I set up filters on all my emails (the 'settings' options in most emails will give you the filters) to detect any fw, fwd, Fw, Fwd, FW, FWD, in email subject line. Any such is automatically deleted. I haven't made up my mind yet whether to send a nasty message back but if you do get one, you know the reason why. Click here to find a neat answer to remove fwds.

The second thing pissing me off to no end is when people send emails to ALL their friends (and I mean everyone in their address book) and there, big and bold in the 'TO' field, my email address is: posted for every aunty, uncle, nennen and their friends to see.

So now I have resolved that if I get a message from someone like this, if I have access to all your friends addresses, I will 'reply all' and tell them nasty things about you. If I know your personal details like home address, phone number etc, I will also be passing those around. I consider my email address private, accessible to only people that I personally know, same as my phone number and other details.

Thirdly, it is always amazing to me how people consider you a friend, yet you don't hear from them for months. So I have decided to clean house. My address book is going to be excised with surgical precision on a monthly basis. If I have not heard from you in 30 days, (no, the emails listed in 1 & 2 above does not count), I will be removing your sorry a** from my records.

Somewhere, we lost all manners about how to properly keep in touch.