23 Apr 2007

Day of Hope

For a long, long time I have complained of the apathy of Trinidadians, the complacency with which they accept the shite trundled out to them by the people in authority.

Today it heartens me immensely to see ONE (yes, just one) person has joined me in complaining of the same thing. The solidarity is encouraging though it is just the one person. Perhaps in time we may be joined by another, and another. The masses are being educated, ever so slowly. Today then is a day of hope for me.

When I started dictating my blog today, I had no title. But after being so pleased, I think I will call it... well, look at the title. :-)

Oh, the Express has been refusing to print my letters to the editor or my comments for a few months. Too topical?

G, from the forums at www.anandramlogan.com has put in a reason here for why we are treated this way. Feel free to put in your 2c worth, it's never meaningless to let your voice be heard. At the very least, it releases some frustrations and makes your day just that much more a Day of Hope.