The famous 'Temple in the sea' has been vandalised, the murtis smashed, and yet nothing of value has been looted.
"It is true that whoever went into the building did not remove any of the valuables."

Now, to my mind, someone who goes into a temple, smashing and vandalising, has a different mindset from a 'normal' human being. It is after all, a 'sacred' place, a place of worship, of retreat, of peace and bliss. So for someone to do this, even a person not of the same faith or race, shows just how low Trinidad has sunk to.
Face it, you'd not find a typical person going into any place of worship, be it church, synagogue, mosque or temple to just bash around things. And not steal any valuables around. If this temple is like some others I've visited, there would have been valuable jewellery etc donated by worshippers to decorate the murtis.
Now, I dare say that there will be people thinking that this could be a deliberate attack, either by malicious insurgents, or people paid by malicious insurgents. Either way, it does reflect a cautionary tale: Hindus may very well be under attack.
I see no other reason for the atrocity committed.