28 Aug 2007

Little webs connecting ...

Corruption and cronyism usually go back to back, or hand in hand as the case may be. After all, what's a few dollars, or millions, between friends?

So it's no surprise to hear that this Monteil affair is not over. What is a bit (but not much) surprising is the about face that Pa-trick has taken. One minute he says that the man was cleared of any wrong doing in purchasing $110 million in shares of the Home Mortgage Bank. Now he says the matter has been referred to the police and DPP.

You'd ask yourself why is it significant that the man bought shares in the company; nothing wrong with that, no matter how much money he invests, right? Wrong. Seems at the time he bought those shares (or rather, a company that he and his wife jointly owns, bought the shares) he was also Chairman of the Home Mortgage Bank.

Clearly a case of having access to inside information. Not that I am saying he did use inside information, but well... you know.

This is one issue to keep an eye on since Andre Monteil is also the man who was involved in that sketchy land deal Shermie dipped his hands in. You know, the one where he got caught out in and as a result squealed on CJ Sharma and now has the whole judiciary in an embarrassing position.

I'm beginning to see little webs of connection here.