2 Aug 2007

Observant Trinis

I could not help but notice the following statements in the newspapers, from Trinis who aren't as blinded.

On the one hand we have a former prime minister ranting and raving, all over the place, trying to draw attention to himself complete with red beret; and on the other his successor doing his interpretation of a dance called the macarena. It's in this pocket, it's in that pocket, and no it's here in this back pocket or is it in the pants pocket?

This was sent by C Peters to the Express. Next G Jackson sent in a letter with this included:

It is in the black community's nature to let young black people find their own way whilst other ethnic groups provide for their young people straight down to the second and third generations. Leaving our youngsters to find their own way has left them open to everything that we consider taboo... We really need to stop pointing fingers and accept more responsibility and for this I apologise.

Ravi Mulchansingh wrote this:

While calling for unity, Mr Panday also continues with his habitual name-calling. Again referring to Mr Dookeran as "duck and run", to the Congress as "the corpse" and to Mr Augustus as "Roy the boy", all so funny to those who view Mr Panday's obvious entertainment abilities as leadership.

From the mouth of the then head of government (Panday), flowed colourful descriptions. Words such as nemakaram(esh), corbeau, dotish and jackass were the order of the day. And for those more in tune with Indian culture he even had "Kumkaran". The nation was stunned by the misbehaviour of our grassroots Prime Minister seemingly drunk with power.

Name-calling did not keep the UNC in power in 2001. Will Panday's tried and proven methods get the PNM out in 2007?

An unknown concerned citizen' observed this:

Prime Minster Patrick Manning said several of his friends have gone astray due to gambling addictions. I would like to know if these friends were forced to gamble!

No one took a gun to their head and forced them to gamble; it was their choice. Permit me to ask the following question? Is Prime Minster Patrick Manning running a democracy or his household?

Was any of Prime Minster Patrick Manning's immediate family affected by gambling? Is this the real reason for shutting down the industry?

Richard Kokaram writes:

After 100 years of freedom here in the West Indies, our Afro brothers are killing each other for revenge, for petty crimes and in gang reprisals. In Jamaica there is also the same exploitation of Africans on Africans. The freedom of the mind and the spirit is yet to be achieved.

Certainly the comments cover a wide range of topics, but in the end, I think Trinis are not exactly sitting and staying silent. Perhaps now, some of these can translate words into action and help make that positive change we all dream of.