3 Sept 2007

Murder detection rate - 20%

Ay ya yi ya yi.

Nope, I'm not playing Red Indian. I am holding my head and bawling. Sorry, my webcam is off, else you would have seen me bawling like 40 Tarzans.

What have me so distressed?

Well, I just read in the Express that the detection rate for murders in Trinidad is 20%!!! Unfeckingbelievable. Revealed by the Ministry of National Insecurity, as if they're proud of it.


Now, that might sound a bit high, considering the kind of dunceys we have in the 'protective services' but I assure you that figure is probably much much lower, maybe about 8%. And no, I am not being outrageous.

Plenty murders that are based on domestic strife, well, even the dunceys do find the culprits, because usually they confess or there are several witnesses.

And some of the 'solved' cases are really because they beat some poor bastaad into a confession (ever read the language some of those statements are in? Sheesh!).

So really, out of 20%, about 8% actually involves 'detecting' so I guess we either hold we head and bawl, or migrate by the 'grap'.