2 Sept 2007

Random thought again (II)

Another very random thought occurred to me a few days ago. Hmm, I seem to be having quite a lot of these...

Before revealing my thought, I'd like to place a scenario in your head. Okay, your mind.

Picture a boy playing cricket/baseball (or similar) and accidentally shatters a window. Knowing full well that punishment is due for the deed, he lies and makes up a story in which another gets the blame, but in the ensuing events that unfold, he finds that the situation is now so far convoluted he is even more scared to tell the truth: second boy denies breaking window, first parents insist their son don't lie, second parents say same, and now the whole thing has headed to court where the consequences are immense - huge legal fees, penalties, reputations, etc etc.

Does this sound familiar? Therein lies my random thought.

I cannot help but think that since McNicolls got caught with his hand in the cookie jar so to speak, over that land deal involving CLICO, Monteil, John Jeremie et al, that the complaint about Sat Sharma might be one to detract from the issue it raises in his own sphere of professionalism.

The complaint itself raised a hornet's nest with all parental figures (Pa-trick and company) getting involved, and now the astronomical costs and the reputations of so many persons are at stake... it's impossible for McNicolls to back down at this point. Still, like the guilty conscience that plagues our story's boy, Shermie is unable to totally go through with 'hanging' the blame to an innocent man and thus we now find him wriggling in many aspect, trying to stop the roller-coaster without making his own position and reputation suffer.

As I said, this is just a random thought.