20 Oct 2007

Under threat - taking away a democracy

This morning, when I opened my web browser to read the newspapers, I blanched. After looking at the headline of the various articles, I can only conclude that democracy is under attack in Trinidad and Tobago. Life as we know it from 20, 15 or even 10 years ago has fallen by the wayside.

The really sad (and terrifying) part of this view is that it seems to be sanctioned by those who are currently in power, and indeed also by those currently seeking to be in power. Talk about being caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.

What is especially terrifying is that there is a difference between planning an action (for example an executive presidency) and actually doing deeds that threaten once-taken-for-granted freedoms.
Strangely enough, the COP seems to be the party most under attack. Does the PNM/UNC have something to fear?

But what is next? Will we see the people mixing the electoral ink being shot? People going to the polls? Oh, wait... they're already bullied into PNM voting by a certain black African Muslim organisation, one which hoped to be rewarded with the lands that it has squatted on so long...

On the other hand, one party is pressing hard for political reform in so far as to make up a constitution ready to be put in place as soon as it wins the election.

The second party is hell bent on being represented by thieves and thugs. Despite claims of 'political mischief' there are more criminals within this party than possibly any other in the entire history of Trinidad and Tobago.

Democracy is certainly under threat when we think that our stupid population will actually go out and vote for these people. Overall, the percentage proportion of criminals within the political sphere is certainly higher than the general population.

My 0.01% hope might be dead for good after November 5th.