23 Apr 2013

A new Award

Jumbie’s First Law: “When you think dotishness cannot get worse, someone will come along to prove it can.”

With this in mind, and in light of fierce competition among Rock Crawlers, on the Rock, to be the one to break all records, I decided to create the Hairy Cacahole Award, for such persons who surpass the ordinary bounds of stupidity.

I am also mortified that, having such an award just newly created, we already have a winner in the form of one Fraud, ahem, Fuad Khan.

His position was clear- Warner should not be fired nor should he resign until he (Warner) responded to the findings of the Concacaf report.

Ahem, Fraud, if Warner was in a position to defend his actions, he would have:

  • Responded to the Integrity Committee of Concacaf.
  • Responded to FIFA.
  • Responded to questions posed by Andrew Jennings and others instead of responding with ‘ask yuh mudder’.
  • Responded to the FBI and IRS.
  • Responded to CAS.
  • Responded to the High Court to provide proper TTFF and Concacaf accounts.
  • Responded to calls to pay the Soca Warriors.
  • Responded to the many phrases such as ‘economical with the truth’, ‘doesn’t appear to have had any contact with truth during his entire 65 years’, etc. These are direct slurs upon the man’s character but factually, they have been used by jurists, courts and commissions so he dare not challenge them.
  • And others.

The thing is, Fraud, if Warner was in a position to defend himself, he would not have needed to resign from FIFA (who acknowledged that he would have been found guilty but for his resignation), nor as Minister and party chairman. The evidence is compelling. The Integrity Committee, including two eminent jurists, found that, even without Warner’s responses, the evidence was so strong that they did not even moderate their language in arriving at their conclusion, freely using words like ‘fraud’, ‘fraudulent conduct’, ‘misappropriated funds, ‘violated laws’…

This lack of evidence, [Jack’s failure to provide] however, was counterbalanced by credible documentary evidence that spoke clearly and cogently about the conduct of each of them. The Committee was careful to rely upon credible documentary evidence wherever possible because, in most instances, the documents provided a compelling account of what happened.

So Fraud, congratulations on being the very first winner of the Hairy Cacahole Award. I won’t worry too much though… there is no prize and sooner rather than later, one of your colleagues will take over.