24 Apr 2013

Dunceys and donkeys

THE country’s four highest ranking police officers have all received favourable appraisals from the Police Service Commission (PSC).

The PSC completed its appraisal of acting Police Commissioner Stephen Williams and his three deputies Mervyn Richardson (crime and support services), Simon Alexis (administration) and Raymond Craig (operations).

The appraisal of the four top cops consisted of six categories: law enforcement, including crime statistics; public trust and confidence; human resource management; strategic initiatives; financial administration and interviews.

If this wasn’t such a sad, sorry, racist situation, I’d be laughing like a lunatic in Belmarsh. The Canadians, who were incidentally Caucasians, were hounded by Ramesh Deosaran and the PSC from day 1, despite obvious reduction in crime as indicated by the statistics. Yet, noting an upward trend in murders and other serious crimes, the PSC found:

The acting officers, especially Williams, “were able to explain the several constraints they faced in executing their respective duties and the extent to which they required time to re-align certain policies and operations for sustainable improvements and fuller rank and file support”, according to the release. 

No such explanation were accepted from the ‘whites’ obviously. As a Scotland Yard detective described the local scene… lions led by donkeys. Let the braying begin.