24 Apr 2013

Stolen money-stolen party-stolen democracy

2013_04_24_warner-clean-moneyWell well, finally somebody on that sleepy god-forsaken Rock has finally woken up to the true impact of Jack Warner. Fruad Khan, the Prime Minister and Anand Ramlogan however, seem to remain hypnotised by Warner’s lingering influence

I am delighted that Senator Rolph Balgobin has hit exactly on the fundamental issues: Balgobin: Stolen $$ may have funded campaign. Balgobin said, “If what is said in there is even half true, and if it is also half true that one of the central figures in the report actually bailed out and assisted a number of ministers and paid for...electoral campaign then you would have come to Government with stolen money.

But note also that on 21st April in Dirty People-Dirty Money-Dirty Leadership  I had dropped the bombs!

  1. Did the UNC and PP either separately or together receive any monies from Warner or from organisations associated with Warner - at any time?

  2. If so, a full declaration to the people is warranted. Will the people be provided with the figures about who gave what?

  3. If not, will the government embark on an independent audit to evidence that no money was received from Warner or organisations associated with him that were mentioned in the CAS and CONCACAF inquiries?

Please read from Clarence Rambharat in After Jack Warner (22nd April 2013), where he states:

But this is about more than Warner’s departure. Long-held fears about commingled funds, parallel banking accounts, and misdirected money reach deep into the UNC party and the People’s Partnership Government. Beyond Warner, this is about the Partnership’s leadership and its comfort with the obscenity of double-dealing. Every defender and beneficiary of the alleged misdealing is complicit. Now we must know them….

This is not about Warner only. This is a direct hit on the PM, her Cabinet, her Government, and her party. This also represents another reminder of the complete absence of oversight of elections and political party financing. The PM owes Concacaf a duty to determine whether in the alleged commingling of interests and funds, her party has been the unwitting beneficiary of money properly intended for the development of football…..

Concacaf’s findings are current and continuing. They are inseparable from Warner’s political life because the PM and AG Ramlogan sanctioned Warner’s dual role as Cabinet member and FIFA executive. They chose to bring Warner, his politics, and his FIFA and Concacaf responsibilities as one package into the Cabinet, making the Government complicit in everything about Warner. They must therefore deal with the consequences….

This Concacaf report and Warner’s resignation are just the beginning of deeper explorations of the dealings of Warner, the UNC party, and the politicians who make a career of defending Warner. There are football-related questions to be answered. But, though important, FIFA’s business is not as pressing as the collapse of public confidence in Warner, and the loss of confidence in the PM, AG, and Government — they are all wrapped up in the Warner package. It was easy to remove Warner, but the PM must be held to the highest standard of behaviour in public office. This is a question mark on her judgment and the funding of her party.

Correct is right – a they say on your Rock. However, I would have real reservations that ‘unwitting beneficiary’ would  be found as applicable. But I understand; Clarence is trying to be kind and restrained.

Fellow citizens of the Rock, I urge you now not to allow the smoke and mirrors – all the play acting – all the fancy speeches – all the assertions about serving the people with integrity – to obstruct your proper appraisal of the depth of this issue. The whole of your democracy is at stake.

This is a real turning point in the history of politics on your Rock. Now is the time to dig deep, to think deep – to not shut up or be shut up! Talk to your neighbour, close friends, and share a nip or your favourite drink. But be careful – in what you say – not many fellow Rock-crawlers can tolerate differences of opinion about seemingly political situations. People allegiant to Warner and the UNC can be expected to twist and turn all how, to escape the findings of fraud and dishonesty.

What nobody can argue about is what is said in the Concacaf report – and what sane people will have a hard time arguing is that all of the money that funded the UNC or the PP, was ‘totally clean money’. The amount of ‘dirt’ that has tarnished Warner’s reputation – and more is yet to come – can hardly lead a reasonable person not to think that at least some of that money was dirty money.

Oh .. what about those T-shirts in which were wrapped sums of money, or mobile phones?  Was it clean money that paid for all that? ‘Whey dee money come from?’ – is the real question. Your freedom and democracy is at stake.. think and talk.