31 May 2007

Comparative greys and Ginkgo

My readers will have to excuse my poor memory. Despite liberal doses of ginkgo I sometimes think my grey cells are having the time of their lives, partying away when I want them to work. Now, the end result isn't so bad sometimes... I can forget most of the asinine things I see around me.

The downside to that is that something always crops up to remind me that asinine things are happening around me.

Like today. I wake up in a good mood this morning, have my cuppa on the side here next to me, just had a good PB&J sandwich (I'm partial to smooth PJ, not crunchy), sat down to read the Express online.

I see doctors using a forceps broke a baby's jaw (Punks was delivered by forceps but at my request at Sando hospital the consultant was there also, not the bleddy intern who was rostered). Those of you with good imaginations, picture this: a baby a month old, can't speak to tell you what's wrong, in constant pain, cannot sleep, cannot cry, cannot eat/drink. Imagine that happening to you. Said baby is now dead.

I make no apologies for the statement that I'd literally horsewhip the medical staff in that case without any objections. None.

Next I see this Vindra Naipaul thing dragging on. 11 men charge, none the husband. I still think its way suspicious he was paying off a 'lawyer' to drop charges against him.

And the crème de la crème this morning: Pa-trick mouth disengage from brain again. Okay, I have my doubts whether it was engaged at all... maybe in his youth; I have to give him some small credit for passing his geology exams.

But all these years of PNM mixing, well... it look like his greys get all mixed up. Here he is accusing Sadiq Baksh of having gang ties because Sean Francis (noted gang leader) is putting his support behind Congress of the People.

This is where my greys letting me down. Correct me if I am wrong, isn't Pa-trick the one who elevated Francis et al to 'community activists' status and met with them in a confidential meeting? Now that Francis turn against PNM he back to being a criminal? For the love of sense, humanity, manly pride or whatever, Pa-trick, step down. Its obvious no amount of ginkgo, Chase Nerve Tonic or such can help you. Retire with a little pride, open your church an get yourself a gold roof and big car too.

I would have advised Panday of the same thing, dear readers, lest you think I am biased. But Panday is really only so much horse manure, and advising him is the same as telling the pile of horse manure to jump in your shovel and having it obey.