25 Jul 2007

Paying the price

For the third time, the Saada Singh enquiry is jeopardised by witnesses who sit in the court hearing testimony from other witnesses, as well as legal submissions from the lawyers.

Perplexing situation, perplexing because I can't understand how the hell the educated donkeys in the court system can't make some sort of effort to isolate the witnesses. Especially since they have evidence it has happened not once but twice before.

(As an aside, since it happened so easily in this case, I am quite sure it happens frequently in other cases as well, unless this is a red herring to get the case dropped).

Imagine, an innocent 3 year old (4 now) is kidnapped, and must now pay the price for the incompetence of the 'learned' officers of the court. More Monkey Island Justice.

Saada Singh