23 Aug 2007

Cudjoe is wrong

Letter from the Newsday August 22nd 2007.

THE EDITOR: Please permit me space in your newspaper to answer the ridiculous article by Selwyn Cudjoe, who attempted to ridicule and denigrate the only political leader of some worth in this country, and the leading economist in the region, Mr Winston Dookeran, BSC Hon, MSC University of London, and Hon Dr of Laws, University of Manitoba, and widely acclaimed author of the Rescue Programme initiated by the NAR in the dark days following the 1990 upheaval, when Basdeo Panday was asleep, Patrick Manning and Cudjoe were absent.

Mr Dookeran still has attachments to Harvard and other international bodies, which he maintains, while Selwyn Cudjoe seems to be a part-time lecturer at Wellesley College in the USA.

For the information of the public, in America even a Junior Lecturer is called a Professor, whereas in our system of education, which follows the British pattern, there is only one professor as Head of each department, the others are Senior lecturers, Junior lecturers etc.

So, Mr Cudjoe, you have also formed a National Association for the Empowerment of African People's in TT, this in itself is an anachronism . . . paradox, for after 40 years of continuous Black Rule in Trinidad, and a further seven years of a Black Government, the most downtrodden people in TT are our African brothers and sisters.

This is a shameless indictment against the PNM who received all their support and loyalty, and they are no better off than they were 60 years ago.


St Augustine