29 Sept 2007

Blogger's Lament

Today I read The Express' 20 Questions with Winston Dookeran. It's the same 20 questions they ask of every one they interview, but I noticed quite a few similarities in his answers to what I'd answer to those questions.

The questions are not deep enough to give a true perspective of the man; only a little on the inner person shines through. That being said, I hope someone does interview him and dig a little deeper into his thoughts.

* I also noticed for the longest while some of my favourite bloggers have been on extra-long hiatus. Sad, so sad. My advice: sleep less, blog more. (^_^) There is nothing so frustrating as logging in to your site(s) and seeing the same thing for several weeks. The preamble to your thoughts is missed.

Since the reading is less, I'm now about to start looking at all 5 seasons of 24, 3 seasons of House, and the new season of Prison Break. I'm a fan of Smallville too (hey, I've said it before, I grew up on Superman comics; I use to pay 25 cents for one at Diptee's in Siparia) because of the way they deal with the character being shaped by the people around him. Okay, so Lana (Kristin Kreuk) is annoying (let's face it, anyone with only one facial expression in any situation will be) but good news! This is her final season. By the way, there are 2 spin off series, Quiver (the Green Arrow stories) and Lantern (the Green Lantern sagas).

Last night I saw the first of the new series of Bionic Woman, a remake of the 70's classic. More technical in nature, the series stars Michelle Ryan a former British soap star. The only common link with the new and old is that the lead character shares the same name, Jamie Summers. Other than that, it's all downhill though I am sure it will its share of fans if not pulled.

My next two reads are going to be The God Delusion and The Weekend Marriage although I may have to buy through Amazon or Ebay; £8 each is a little too much. And I still have to re-read my Dale Carnegie books, hopefully after I finish my website project. I'd better get cracking...