Both major newspapers in Trinidad, the Express and the Guardian, have today published big, bold headlines: November 5th is election day. So did the Newsday one day later.

The Express then goes on to quote every one from Pa-trick, Panday to Sat Maharaj (why him??? His opinion should be highly irrelevant by now). The Guardian missed the opinions except for Dookeran's, but went so far as to solicit one from the EBC (Elections and Boundaries Commission.
What pissed me off was a small article buried in the back, so small that it could pass unnoticed. In fact, it was not even printed in the Guardian and Newsday.
What pissed me off was a small article buried in the back, so small that it could pass unnoticed. In fact, it was not even printed in the Guardian and Newsday.
Sisters, 6 and 19, gang-raped
South Bureau
Saturday, September 29th 2007
Two sisters were raped during an attack on their home in a rural area in Central Trinidad yesterday.
Three men with guns broke into a farmer's house at 3 a. m. , beat the parents, stole jewelry and money, then gang-raped the sisters, aged 6 and 19, a police report said. The men then escaped.
The incident occurred in a village that, in the past two years, has had at least six similar home invasions and assaults on women and children.
Aside from the obvious misspelling of the word jewellery, I shudder at the fact that we have become so bestial that a 6 year old can be raped, scarred and traumatised for life, her family affected mentally and emotionally and the announcement of the date of the election superimposes this. Not that it would be easier on a 19 year old, but children are supposed to be safeguarded and protected. I mean, what manner of animal would do this?
And make no mistake, these are animals, probably the same type you see making news for having sex with all manner of pigs, dogs etc.
And make no mistake, these are animals, probably the same type you see making news for having sex with all manner of pigs, dogs etc.
Since I see that nothing will come of this, like Akeil Chambers murder or 6 year old Sean Luke, I propose that we would have to consider vigilante justice, sooner than later. And honestly, if dunceys get it the way... take care of them too, starting at the top obviously. There are some advantages to removing stupidity from the gene pool after all.